what to expect on the first day of testing job

Warning: Every state and situation is dissimilar, seek professional person legal advise.The information presented here is not intended to exist substitute or replace a lawyer. This is for information only, we don't have liability in any class, your actions are your own.


  • 1 Why are you on probation?
  • 2 Responsibilities of a Parole Officer
  • 3 Meeting your Probation Officeholder for  the First Time
  • four You will go drug tested?
  • 5 What Happens if You Neglect
    • 5.1 You accept been warned
  • 6 Should you ask for help?

Why are you on probation?

No thing the charge, when information technology comes to legal bug, it's always all-time to go an attorney. No two cases are every the same. In that location are a number of factors that can impact the your trial.

Age, offense, relation and implication, just to name a few. That beingness said, if you take already been charged and establish guilty, in that location will exist legal ramifications. This can include jail time, probation and or public service.

Near, if not all probation cases require random drug testing. UA or urine screenings are the near commonly used form of testing. Simply this doesn't rule out pilus, blood or saliva screening merely to proper name a few. Yous should take a skilful idea of what to expect, in consideration of your charges.

The penalty is meant to fit the crime. If yous are on probation due to drug charges, expect to be tested for drugs. Aforementioned hold truthful for booze related offenses. If involved in a DWI, expect to be tested for alcohol utilize.

Meeting your Probation Officer

Responsibilities of a Parole Officer

Your PO, Parole Officer is not your friend, but also non necessarily your enemy. They serve the system and the tax payers. If you have been charged with a crime, but immune to serve probation. The same court system that pays the PO has entrusted you to willfully remain lawful.

Once assigned, the parole officeholder is responsible for your actions to an extent. Their primary office is to monitor and evaluate "yous" as a risk. Just put, for the PO each instance has only two desired out comes:

  1. You complete parole with out effect
  2. You go behind bars before committing some other offense

On the probation officers function, a failure is non preventing some other crime. Some officers may consider a violation as a mode to alleviate responsibility.

Meeting your Probation Officer for  the Showtime Time

Look a lot of questions and nigh likely a drug or alcohol test. Some may even exist sent abode with a questionnaire parcel to make full out.

Like the saying goes, "First impression mean everything".

Before the coming together:

Your parole will have fully researched your example and history. A profile is established and procedure is outlined. The PO already knows what questions to ask, what type of testing should be used, etc..,

You lot are expected to exist in good behavior and requite the appearance of honesty. Any length of time between the judicial findings and coming together your PO is taken into consideration.

During the Meeting:

 The PO wants to trust you. If you seem trust worthy, honest and responsible. The easier the probation officers job will be. Remember you lot are only on of many instance that your PO may exist responsible for at the time.

You Should

  • Speak to your attorney before mitt
  • Appear open and honest
  • Non volunteer actress particular or information unless directly asked
  • Think before answering
  • Not appear to exist belongings back
  • Clean upwards your act
  • Employ proper judgment

The first probation meeting usually lasts nigh an hour. This is only the face to face and doesn't include whatsoever look or testing times. The total length of time depends on your situation.

You volition get drug tested?

Expect to be tested for any illegal substances, non just at your first coming together, but at all times. At this first meeting it is especially important to be honest. If new information is going to surface, volunteer it as an act of proficient faith. Permit me give you an hypothetical case:

Mary was institute guilty of drug apply and possession. Being the first criminal offence, the court decides on probation. Inside the next mean solar day, Mary is to meet her PO. Please take note that, only iii days have passed since Mary was arrested.

Her PO requests a drug screening, merely before administering information technology asks, "Are you make clean?, what should I expect?". The right respond is, "no, I have used drugs in the recent by…"

In that location is noway Mary would have passed, the PO knows this. So why did the PO ask? Information technology is a simple examination of your honesty. Information technology is impossible to have tested negative for drugs within such a short menstruation.

What Happens if You Fail

That depends on your situation. In the scenario like the one in a higher place, failure is expected only your case may be different. The PO knows how long it takes to naturally detox from drugs. The officer expects you to test clean later that period.

If you have had enough time to accept tested clean and failed. This is an indication of contempo and illegal drug use. This can lead to a few different out comes:

  • A warning
  • Found in violation
  • Sent to drug court
  • Required to attend an addiction program
  • A combination of the in a higher place

Yous have been warned

If you lot have been previously tested and relapsed, chances are very likely that you lot will be faced with full sentencing and jail time.

Courts and well-nigh legal entities will see no excuse for repeated violations . It would show negligence on the part of the probation officer every bit well as the state. High risk cases like such present a real danger to the public and criminal.

Should you ask for assistance?

Yes, if you have a drug problem, consider thins an opportunity to become aid. Some people may never get the gamble to receive professional person help or aid from the state.

Similar issues are not alway a bad thing. Requesting assist may even get you lot out of a probationary programme and into a more than nurturing environment.


  • Rules for Probation: http://www.nyep.uscourts.gov/html/conditions_of_probation.html
  • Weather of Probation: https://world wide web.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3563
  • DOJ drug testing : https://world wide web.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/dtest.pdf


Source: https://cokeclear.com/first-probation-meeting-expect/

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